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Dette kurset har ingen fremtidige kursdato(er) oppført. Bruk skjemaet for å kontakte kursholderen for mer informasjon.
A CCSP applies information security expertise to a cloud computing environment and demonstrates competence in cloud security architecture, design, operations, and service orchestration. This professional competence is measured against a globally recognized body of knowledge. The CCSP is a standalone credential that complements and builds upon existing credentials and educational programs, including (ISC)²’s Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) and CSA’s Certificate of Cloud Security Knowledge (CCSK).
As an (ISC)2 Official Training Provider, we use courseware developed by (ISC)² –creator of the CCSP CBK –to ensure your training is relevant and up-to-date. Our instructors are verified security experts who hold the CCSP and have completed intensive training to teach (ISC)² content.
Please Note: An exam voucher is included with this course
Experienced cybersecurity and IT/ICT professionals who are involved in transitioning to and maintaining cloud-based
solutions and services. Roles include:
• Cloud Architect
• Chief Information Security Officer (CISO)
• Chief Information Officer (CIO)
• Chief Technology Officer (CTO)
• Engineer/Developer/Manager
• DevOps
• Enterprise Architect
• IT Contract Negotiator
• IT Risk and Compliance Manager
• Security Administrator
• Security Analyst
• Security Architect
• Security Consultant
• Security Engineer
• Security Manager
• Systems Architect
• Systems Engineer
• SecOps
After completing this course you should be able to:
Recommended as preparation for the following exam:
Gaining this accreditation is not just about passing the exam, there are a number of other criterias that need to be met including 5 years of cumulative, paid work experience in information technology, of which 3 years must be in information security and 1 year in 1 or more of the 6 domains of the CCSP CBK. Earning CSA’s CCSK certificate can be substituted for 1 year of experience in 1 or more of the 6 domains of the CCSP CBK. Earning (ISC)²’s CISSP credential can be substituted for the entire CCSP experience requirement. Full details can be found at
Those without the required experience can take the exam to become an Associate of (ISC)² . The Associate of (ISC)² will then have 6 years to earn the 5 years required experience.
Attendees should meet the following prerequisites:
Candidates must have a minimum of 5 years’ cumulative paid work or paid/unpaid internship experience in
information technology, of which 3 years must be in information security and 1 year in 1 or more of the 6 domains
of the CCSP CBK. Earning CSA’s CCSK certificate can be substituted for 1 year of experience in 1 or more of the 6
domains of the CCSP CBK. Earning (ISC)²’s CISSP credential can be substituted for the entire CCSP experience
A candidate who doesn’t have the required experience to become a CCSP may become an Associate of (ISC)² by
successfully passing the CCSP examination. The Associate of (ISC)² will then have 6 years to earn the 5 years of
required experience.
Quick Read:
• Requires 5 years’ professional IT experience
• CCSK certificate holders must have 4 years’ experience
• Candidates with less experience may become an Associate of (ISC)² after successfully passing the exam
Recommended prerequisites:
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